Sunday, February 13, 2011

Part 1: OoOTie's Bow Tie Lover in the Flesh!

Part 1: OoOTie's Bow Tie Lover in the Flesh!

Meet OoOTie's featured bow tie lover in the flesh Carl Pierce. The 19-year-old head bow tie designer and CEO of Knot Candy. Carl alongside managing his own business and designing bow ties for both his and currently OoOTie's label, is also a full-time college student majoring in menswear fashion. A driven bow tie and aspiring menswear designer, Carl hopes to prove the world of fashion that he is a force to be reckoned with.

How did you get started as a bow tie designer and why bow ties?

One day I went to class wearing a bow tie, and I remember listening to people just saying how much they loved it. So I went to go buy another one, but because of the cost I decided it'd be cheaper to just make my own.

I think bo
w ties exemplify sophistication, but they aren't generally for the person wanting to look ordinary.

As for how OoOTie an
d I decided to collaborate it was all through twitter. OoOTie and I kept following each other and kept in touch. And I just loved their site and what they stood for.

cribe Knot Candy in three words.

Sophistication, elegant, and quality.

Describe your style.

My style is classic. I usually wear a nice crisp shirt, a pair of Ray-Ban Wayfarers, and a bow tie (I wear one now every day). Occasionally I wear suits. When I dress down I go for the preppy look, Oxford shirt, a pair of khakis, and boat shoes.

Favorite bow tie wearer (celebrity bow tie wearer)? Or if money were not object, what celebrity bow tie
wearer would you like to wear/represent your brand?

Andre Benjamin, aka Andre 3000.

When is it appropriate to wear a bow tie?

Any time of the day. Whether you're going to work or dinner, bow ties can fit into any part of your lifestyle.

Are bow ties the centerpiece or icing to a look?

I would say they can be bo
th.They can be the centerpiece due to neckwear being the main focus. But they can also be the icing because they help tie the whole look together. So you can't really differentiate the two because bow ties can be both, but at different times.

Who is your ideal customer when you're designing?

There's a perception out there that bow ties are for old men, but I'm really trying to attract the younger gentlemen market. My friends definitely look at bow ties differently since I've become a bow tie designer. Bow ties are cool now!

****Make sure to stay tuned to for part two of Carl's interview coming later this week!