Sunday, July 3, 2011

Boston's Summertime Casual Bow Tie Wearing Destinations!

Boston's Summertime Casual Bow Tie Wearing Destinations!

All dressed up and no place to go? Don't put away your bow tie for a rainy day! Show off that awesome collection no matter what the weather decides to be. OoOTie has got it under control when it comes to finding you some fun, casual, and cheap Bostonian summertime destinations that are totally bow tie wearing friendly.

Exchange that lobster red sunburn you're sporting to this ye
ar's fireworks for a bow tie that is guaranteed to keep you looking cool. OoOTie is doing its best this summer to make sure you have a good time and look good while doing it!

Extreme Sailing Series

Who: You and your "I wish I was more athletic, but love beer too much" buddy.
What: Extreme Sailing Series
When: July 4th, 11:00-6:00
Where: Fan Peir on Boston's New Waterfront
Why: Because any sp
ort with the word "extreme" in front of it makes it that much more exciting to watch.
OoOTie Bow
Tie Suggestion: Our Anchors Away bow tie, of course!

4th of July at Boston's Esplanade

Who: You and whoever you think could tolerate you waving a mini- American flag in their face for three plus hours.
What: A FREE Pops concert and fireworks display in Boston.
When: July 4th
Where: Hatch Shell at Boston's Esplanade. Lawn
is open at 5:30!
Why: Because y
ou want to show your love to America.
OoOTie Bow Tie Suggestion: Exchange your "I'm proud to be an American" T-shirt for something less passe and more tre chic. Be the stylish patriot we all know you can be with OoOTie's Boston-inspired Make- Way- For- Ducklings Bow Tie.

SoWa Open Market

Who: You and your closeted shopaholic mom or lady friend.
What: South End Open Market

When: Every Sunday from May 1st- October 30th
Where: 460 Harrison Ave, Boston
Why: Because where else can you find a farmer's market, food trucks, crafts, and so many one -of-a-kind trinkets in one place?
OoOTie Bow Tie Suggestion: Make those Etsy designers take a double take as you strut past them in your Candy-S
hop bow tie.

Revere Beach's National Sand Sculpture Contest

Who: You and your
nieces, nephews, little cousins, or your man/woman- child friend.
What: Revere Beach's Sand Sculpture Contest
When: July 14th-17th
Where: Revere Beach
Why: Because sometimes we need to be humbled by the fact that we were never going to
be a sandcastle artist.
OoOTie Bow Tie Suggestion: Get in touch with the child inside
while wearing a dinosaur bow tie!

ICA's Harborwalk Sounds

Who: You and the art/music lover in your life.
What: Harborwalk Sounds
When: Every Thursday, 6:00-8:30

Where: Boston's Institute of Contemporary Art
Why: Listen to some talented Berklee School of Music students for FREE and enjoy some art. You may just discover the next Radiohead or Banksy.
OoOTie Bow Tie Suggestion: Ninja-What?! Black paisley bow tie.
Show that you can play with convention just as well as the next postmodern- inspired artist.

Shakespeare on the Common

Who: You and your English or theater major friends. Or anyone you know who has described the Jersey Shore as MTV's "tour de force."
What: Shak
espeare on the Common's rendition of All's Well That Ends Well.
When: July 27th-August 14th
Where: Boston Common
Why: You gotta get some culture, kid! Plus, it's a wicked awesome play.
OoOTie Bow Tie Suggestion: Keep it smart by wearing our Kappa Cane bow tie.

Boston's Restaurant Week

Who: You and your appetite.
What: Boston's 2011 Restaurant Week

When: August 14th-19th and August 21st-26th
Where: The better question is who doesn't celebrate restaurant week?!
Why: Because when else can you eat at some of Boston's pricier restaurants for more than half the cost?
OoOTie Bow Tie Suggestion: Forget wearing a homemade replica of Lady Gaga's meat dress to Mooo... We'll keep you looking fresh and fantastic with our Pigs-in-a-Blanket bow tie.

Downtown C
rossing's Block Party

Who: You and your sick dance moves.
What: Downtown Crossing's Block Party
When: Every Thursday, 5:00-8:00
Where: Summer Street, Boston
Why: Because drinks, food, and fun are a recipe for the start of an amazing weekend.
OoOTie Bow Tie Suggestion: The reversibility of our Block Island bow tie makes it easy for you to go from work to party- ready wear within seconds!

appy 4th Everyone!